jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

Dinosaure 2, o triceratops...

I bé... poc després de començar a construir a dinosaure "cuello largo" o diplodocus... i dir-li a l'Hug que era per a tots dos... arriba i diu que no, que aquest és de l'Adela , i que ell vol un triceratops ( o una Sera, com li deia l'Adela de petita), i que vol un triceratops amb tres punxes... i, i, i... allà em tens a mi, pensatnt com fer el triceratops. Tot és posar-se.

And well... just after start with our dinosaur "long neck" or diplodocus... and telling Hug that it was for both of them (he and his sister...), he says that no, that this diplodocus is for Adela, and that he wants a triceratops (or a Sera, as Adela called it when she was a child), and that he wants a triceratops with three hornes on the face... and, and, and... here Iwas, thinking about how to make the triceratops... Every thing is just to start...

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