Han vingut les veines a passar el matí amb nosaltres i jo havia promés algun projecte de cosir... però la màquina de cosir es va espatllar fa uns dies i hem decidit fer un projecte ben fàcil. Reciclar llibretes amb les tapes lletges, amb un col.lage de papers, revistes, cartolines... i algunes pegatines reciclades, com vam fer aquí. Papers, tissores i pegament. Fàcil. Ràpid.
Some friends came to spend the morning with us, and I had promised some craft that involved sewing... but our sewing machine is broken since some days ago, so we decided to do a very easy project. to recycle note-books, doing some col.lage using paper, magazine scraps, and some recycled stikers, like the ones we did here. Papers, scissors and glue. Easy. Fast.
Some friends came to spend the morning with us, and I had promised some craft that involved sewing... but our sewing machine is broken since some days ago, so we decided to do a very easy project. to recycle note-books, doing some col.lage using paper, magazine scraps, and some recycled stikers, like the ones we did here. Papers, scissors and glue. Easy. Fast.
Perque el resultat sigui millor, va bé limitar el nombre i els colors dels materials que oferim als infants, i també fer la feina en dues fases, primer la composició (amagueu el pegament si cal) i després, una vegada decidits els materials que faran servir, ajudar-los a pegar casa cosa al seu lloc. És un bon projecte per treballar la composició, figura i fons, com descaquen o no uns colors o formes al costat d'altres...
For a better result, you can limitate the number and colors you offer to kids, and also to do the task in two parts, first composition ( you can hide glue if necessary) and after that, once decided the materials they are using, helping them to glue every thing in place. It's a good project to work composition...
For a better result, you can limitate the number and colors you offer to kids, and also to do the task in two parts, first composition ( you can hide glue if necessary) and after that, once decided the materials they are using, helping them to glue every thing in place. It's a good project to work composition...
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